Monday, December 10, 2012

4DGIS-ongoing experiments

During these days I am playing a bit with the data from Catalhoyök and Uppåkra, in both cases I am experimenting  with Image Based Modeling techniques and Arcscene 10, with the goal to have a clear idea on what the limits and potentialities.
After a long discussion with Camilla Mazzucato from Oxford University we started implementing more models and we are planning -together with a larger group of researchers- to start working on the design of a new typology of database.
So far we grouped the models in multi patch files, but I am not jet sure if this will be the best or the only solution for this project, in fact it depends a lot from the typology of visualization that we want to reach.

3D models realized during the excavation season 2012 in Catalhöyuk

Next spring's main goal,  it will be  the import of  the entire dataset of models realized during the last excavation season,  with the goal of start working  on new workflows to combine into ArcGis data of different typology (vector+3D models etc). In particular I would like for the next excavation season to explore the possibility to have a 3D distribution of findings (as points) visualized on the 3D models, let's see how far we will go..



  1. I would like to ask you in what kind of format did you export 3d file (I guess you were working in agisoft). When trying to export 3 d file in dae. (COLLADA) i checked colour as well as texture, but when importing it in arcscene through arcmap (3d analyst-import 3dfile into geodabase) i got very unsmoothed surface with small tiles of colour information. When i used WRL. file everything was ok but colour information of the imported file in arcscene was in one colour tone. Is it a problem of my arcmap (i am using v. 9.3)or agisoft. Thanks a lot.
    Jan Zachar

  2. Hi Jano, sorry for the late reply, yes we are using photoscan for the models and we visualize the files in arcscene. We tested several exporting formats, the one that we are using now is .3ds but collada should works fine as well.

    How are you importing the data? I am using ArcGis 10, I am not sure it will work with 9.3...

  3. Thanks a lot for reply. Meanwhile I probably figure out the problem. In Photoscan I lost connection to source photos - that was the reason of pixeling

  4. Still having problem with the import of 3dfile into arcmap/arscene. I have my georeferenced model in photoscan, export it with collada or 3ds then use 3danalyst-import3dfile-as an multipatch feature class i use geodabase but i get always failure message. With the previous attempt i got at least pixeled model but now nothing. Is it possible to preview somewhere exact workflow from photoscan to arcgis? Thanks a lot

    1. Sorry Jano for this late reply, I have been out of office
      I imported the models into the geodatabase as multyipatch , then you will be able to visualize the textures together with the model, ;-) let me know if it works


    2. Thanx a lot,
      i already figured out the problem. It was that my georeferended model in Agisoft was in UTM which produces too far placement of the model from the origin of the axis, which is not suitablbe for the texturing export of the model (

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hi I just wanted to say I'm really interested in your work! I've been practicing this method in ArcScene lately, but I'm having a ton of trouble with the scale. I scale the model in PhotoScan, but once the model is in ArcScene it isn't scaled any more. We don't have TDS points due to an error this summer, but I was just scaling it with local coordinates and referenced markers.

    Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

    Thank you!
