Sunday, March 3, 2013

Pompeii - a 3D Revival

Pompeii - a 3D Revival is a project that aims to investigate, document and visualize Pompeian architecture by means of different types of 3D-models (both in "as is- and "as was"-models). The use of acquisition techniques like 3D Scanning or Dense stereo reconstruction will increase the knowledge of the relations between the technological infrastructures of the insula i.e. water pipes system, illumination etc. and the distribution of commercial, working and reception spaces in this overall domestic context. 
Through the use of Virtual Reality Techniques will be possible to visit the Pompeian houses of Casa del Torello and Casa di Cecilio Giocondo understanding the relation between the actual archaeological context and their original appearance.

This project is very exciting and we are planning to use the results of this research activity in several ways. Last October we finished the acquisition campaign, and in collaboration with the Visual Computing Lab , Pisa , we are now post processing the data. The results of this work will serve two different visualization platforms, one specifically designed to show the structures of the insula in high resolution through the web (the main idea is make these data available to the scientific community) , and another one to support an exhibition on the insula V 1, which will take place in Stockholm in the 2014.

During the last fall we tried to visualize part of the structures inside a CAVE system, the experiment was very successful.   As you can see from this short movie, even if the house was only partially texturized, the potentialities in such application are enormous.

I'll post new results and information soon...

