Thursday, March 29, 2012

MeshLab and the color projection in Pompeii

In collaboration with the Visual Computing Lab, we are developing the data from the last acquisition campaign in Pompeii and  we are  using MeshLab to manage  the entire workflow (from aligning to texturing). This is the first time that we experienced such a huge post processing of Laser scanner data,  during the last campaign we acquired almost 2 houses, several connected environments and the roads that surround half of the insula, but so far everything is going quite smooth.
The new color projection seems very good, during these days we are texturizing the Atrium of Casa del Torello di bronze, I hope to have one of the two houses ready  before summer.
This huge 3D model, once finished will be used for  archeological research, application for museums, teaching etc.  During Last mission we were able to acquire in few days  half of the insula, During the next season (probably next october) we hope to finish completely the acquisition.

Atrium of Casa del Torello di Bronzo, Insula V,1 meshing process

Friday, March 23, 2012

PhotoScan from the web

PhotoScan test 1 from Martin Roe on Vimeo.

we are working a lot with this tool and the results are relly incredible, soon I'll present some preliminary result of the work that we are doing in Catal.
 I think that this technology is the connection between 3D and field work